Our business is a Singapore-licensed employment agency that provides management consultancy and handles human resources. We are a member of the Singapore Institute of Management and accredited to the Association of Employment Agencies (Singapore).
We have proven our capabilities in the areas of human resource consulting services, and local and foreign manpower placement, to corporations in various industries such as:
Building Construction Industry
Shipbuilding and Marine Industry
Manufacturing Industry
Process Industry
Service Industry

To stay competent with our recruitment process, we have gained the full support from the other SUMITOYO groups of companies, and formed strategic alliances with our overseas business partners. This enables us to provide effective solutions to all our clients’ recruitment needs. Due to our constant exposure to a wide range of industries, we are able to pick the right candidates suited to your organisation’s requirements.
We aspire to provide you with a full range of high quality human resource services on a long term basis. Earning and maintaining the trust of our clients is our unremitting goal. We believe in the fair treatment of our customers at affordable rates, and want you to expect nothing but satisfactory results. We aim for a job well done, and the result has been the return of customers who recommend our services to others.
We want to build a lasting and rewarding relationship with you, that’s what we’re all about!